Book "Selma und die toten Stinker" (German)
This lovingly illustrated story for children is about the importance of public transport for people and the environment: What’s going on in the city today? Cars everywhere, honking horns and a stench. Even the bus is taking its time.Then a video appears: Aliens have stolen all the buses and trams. The mood outside is agitated and the air thick. And Selma and her friend are allowed to spend the night in the museum.
- Children’s paperback
- Text: Thomas Weber
- Illustration: Thomas Madreiter
- Project management: Martin Mühl
- Language: German
- Reading age: 3-8 years
- Production: Biorama GmbH
- Print: PurePrint by gugler* DruckSinn
- Size: 12 x 12 cm
• Ecolabel UW-No. 609• Greenprint – climate-positive printing